关于国外农产品首次输华检验检疫准入程序(中、英文) 一、输出国官方检疫主管部门根据贸易需求,向中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称中方)提出书面申请,并说明拟出口具体农产品的名称、种类、用途、进口商信息、出口商信息。二、中方根据申请,向输出国提交一份涉及进行该种农产品进口风险分析资料的调查问卷,请输出国答复。 三、在收到输出国就调查问卷的答复后,中方组织有关专家进行风险分析; 在风险分析过程中,如需要,中方将请输出国再补充有关资料; 在对以上资料评估的基础上,中方将考虑是否派出专家组赴输出国进行实地考察。 四、在风险分析工作完成后,中方将考虑是否提出从该国进口该种农产品的检疫议定书草案或入境检验检疫卫生要求,双方就此进行协商。 五,在双方就议定书或入境检验检疫卫生要求达成一致意见后,按照议定书或卫生要求的规定开展该种农产品的贸易。 Quarantine Access Procedures for Agricultural Products to be imported to China for the first time 1.The competent quarantine authority of the exporting country shall, according to the trade interest, submit an official application in written form to General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China(AQSIQ)for exporting agricultural products to China with the its name, variety , use and information of importers and exporters . 2.AQSIQ will, according to the application, deliver a questionnaire concerning the Import Risk Analysis (IRA) to the exporting country for reply . 3.After receiving the reply to the questionnaire, AQSIQ will organize the relevant specialist to initiate IRA process . If necessary, AQSIQ will ask the exporting country for more information during the evaluation period ; Based on the assessment of the above information, AQSIQ will decide whether it is necessary to send a specialist group to the exporting country to have on-the-spot inspection . 4.After finishing the IRA, AQSIQ will take account of whether or not to submit a draft of quarantine protocol or sanitary requirements for the product to be imported from the country to China, which will be discussed by both sides . 5.After having reached agreement on the protocol or sanitary requirement, the trade of this product will be commenced according to the requirements specified in the protocol . |
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